
What are the expectations for fellows at Lehman WAC?

  • Engage with readings and discussions related to abolitionist pedagogy, the academic job market, your dissertation/research, building a community, supporting the Lehman WAC program & coordinators
  • Attend and contribute to designated Lehman WAC special events
  • Participate in conversations with faculty across disciplines at Lehman College

What tasks do I need to complete as a Lehman WAC fellow?

  • Participate in the Lehman WAC Faculty Yearlong Seminar by:
    • Regularly attending the sessions
    • Joining a fishbowl group
    • Joining a breakout room group/facilitating breakout room discussions
  • Writing a blog for the Lehman WAC website, reflecting on a specific day of the yearlong seminar, engaging with the theory and specific pedagogical practices. 
  • Participate actively in Lehman WAC activities, which change based on the year. For 2023-2024, fellows will work on one of the following:
    • WAC Conference planning Friday Feb 16
    • Abolitionist Reader
    • Lehman WAC website
  • End-of-year presentation (will be working on this in the yearlong seminar break out group)
  • Abolish the cop in your head and in your heart

How often and where do I need to show up to Lehman WAC? 

  • Central WAC Professional Development meetings, which occur several times throughout the year on Zoom and at the Graduate Center
  • Yearlong seminar meetings 10am-1pm once a month Fridays on Zoom
  • Fellows meetings about once a month on Zoom
  • Working session hours about once a month on Zoom 

What is the Lehman WAC Yearlong Seminar?

  • Meets 10pm to 1pm on Zoom, one Friday per month
  • Includes Lehman WAC fellows and co-coordinators, along with Lehman faculty members
  • Each meeting, we will have read one text (choose one of two or three), we’ll listen to a small group share their thoughts about the readings, then discuss as a larger group. The last hour of each session will be dedicated work time: fellows and faculty will join a breakout room, based on your WAC goal for the year, to brainstorm how to apply something from the reading to your teaching.
  • Seminar topics & meeting dates available here
  • Reading calendar available here

What are Lehman WAC fellows meetings?

The fellows meetings are conducted on Zoom and offer a more intimate setting, where we will get to know each other and find ways to support each other. We use the fellows meetings as working group meetings. This means there will be time allotted to work on tasks to support the Lehman WAC program, and on your end of year presentations. The only tasks we expect you to complete outside of fellows meetings are preparation for the yearlong seminar, your blog response, and some of your end-of-year presentation. In the fellows meetings, we will typically do one or more of the following: 

  • Workshop scholarly writing, job market materials, and/or fellowship/grant applications
  • Discuss a reading (sometimes in preparation for yearlong seminar) 
  • Unpack issues that come up while teaching
  • Complete tasks in support of Lehman WAC (conference, reader, website, etc.)

What are working session hours?

These are hours set aside for Fellows and one or more of us (WAC Associate, coordinators, or both), to have an online working session. Working session hours are essentially free time to work on whatever you’d like to work on–WAC-related projects, pedagogy, and/or scholarship. We will encourage WAC faculty participants from the yearlong seminar to stop by as well to say hi, bring any questions about WAC they might have, and to come and work on their projects with us. In general, this provides a casual and mutually supportive environment in which to foster community through WAC.